Investigatory Powers

This timeline takes you through all of the major legislations and moments in regards to investigatory powers in the UK

2000-07-28 12:35:13

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) was meant to modernize the laws for communications in the 21st century. It gave powers to intercept communications while they were in transit, to monitor certain persons Internet activities and demand that companies hand over the keys to encrypted software. However, the legislation is old and technology has outgrown it.

2001-09-11 19:43:05

9/11 Attacks

Al-Qaida terrorist simultaneously attack the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., as well as crash a plane in Pennsylvania. The acts start the “war on terror”, which will be used to justify more intrusive powers into peoples lives for the sake of national security.

2001-12-14 19:43:05

Anti-Terrorism, crime and Security Act 2001

Introduced provisions, so the Secretary of State could instruct telecommunication companies to retain certain data on National Security grounds. The bill was a direct result of the September 11th attacks. Also, it was worded pretty poorly. It is anti-terrorism, but not anti-crime?

2005-07-07 19:43:05

7/7 Bombing

Terrorists detonate several explosives in central London including in the underground and on a double decker bus.

2008-10-22 08:29:06

Communications Data Bill 2008

It wanted a lot of similar powers to the proposed investigatory Powers Bill. It wanted to extend retention of data from just phone numbers dialed and text messages to websites visited and emails. The legislation was opposed both by the conservatives and Liberal Democrats and did not become law.

2011-08-07 19:43:04


A Freedom of Information Act Request reveals that there are 52,000 CCTV cameras operated by local governments in the UK.

2012-05-01 06:57:02

Protection of Freedoms Act

The Bill abolished several provisions that were deemed to be too intrusive into lives, but most surveillance provisions in RIPA remain intact.

2014-07-27 06:57:02

Data Retention and investigatory Powers Act

it allowed security services to continue to collect metadata on citizens.

2015-11-05 06:57:02

Draft Investigatory Powers Bill

The Draft Investigatory Powers Act is introduced.

2015-11-13 06:57:02

Paris Attacks

Islamic State fighters carry out simultaneous attacks in various locations in Paris killing more than 100 people.

2016-02-09 06:57:02

Committees report back

Three separate parliamentary committees return reports on the Investigatory Powers Bill detailing more than 100 recommended changes.

2016-03-01 06:57:02

New version

The new version of the Bill is introduced. Many criticise it for only “cosmetically” changing certain provisions instead of a major overhaul of the first version.

2016-03-15 06:57:02

First Vote

The first vote is held on the Investigatory Powers Bill. The Labor and Liberal Democrat party abstain from voting to allow the Bill to move onto the next stage. The vote was 281-15

2016-03-15 06:57:02

Brussels Attacks

Islamic State fighters detonate multiple suicide vests in Brussels killing dozens of people.

Investigatory Powers

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